Activating the Menu

Press the shown button to activate the menu and select options. The octave keys on the bottom navigate up or down.
Menu Explanations
Sound - Choose the active instrument.- 1-9, with names for SD card sounds.
Octav - Modify behavior of octaves.Mode - Change behavior of octave keys.4-oct - No keys for low octave; bottom key for base octave; both keys for high; top key for highest.
2-oct - Bottom key not used; touch top key for high octave. This behavior more closely resembles a Saxophone.
Shift - Move the base octave up or down.- +3 to -3
Key - Change the tuning key of the instrument.Quick - C, Bb, Eb, etc.
Transpose - Arbitrary number of half-steps.
MIDI - Setting for MIDI messagesEasy - Standard sets of settingsNone - No messages for changes in blowing pressure.Brth - Send Breath Control (CC#2) messages with changes in blowing pressure; Initial NoteOn velocity is the same as blowing pressure when note initiated.Vol - Send Volume (CC#7); Initial NoteOn velocity is 120 unless changed in NoteV below. This settings works with most general purpose synths.Expr - Send Expression (CC#11); Initial NoteOn velocity is 120 (or NoteV setting below).A/T - Send Aftertouch messages; Initial NoteOn velocity is 120 (or NoteV setting below).ModWh - Send Modulation Wheel (CC#1); Initial NoteOn velocity is 120 (or NoteV setting below).
Adv - Configure advanced individual settings.CC# - Control message numbers to send for changes.Air - Changes in blowing pressure.RotL - Clockwise rotation of Vindor.RotR - Counterclockwise rotation.
NoteV - NoteOn velocity.120, 80, … - Always send a fixed number.
Air - Send the blowing pressure as the initial velocity.
Rate - Number of milliseconds between CC messages.HiRes - Turn on sending 14-bit resolution messages. Normally, only 7-bit resolution is used, which sends values between 0 and 127. 14-bits increases resolution to 16384 steps. This setting is not supported by many synthesizers.Chanl - Channel number for messages.Dupl - Send duplicate NoteOff messages. Since the Vindor sends a lot of data, slower platforms may have difficulty keeping up. This setting will send a second NoteOff messages after a small delay in case the first one is lost.
Calib - Calibration of sensors and other settings.Air - Blowing strength required for maximum blowing pressure.Norm - Blowing pressure equivalent to woodwind instrument.+20 - Less blowing strength required.
+40… - Even less strength; bigger numbers mean less blowing strength required to reach maximum.
Headp - Percent of power for headphone amplifier. Larger numbers make the volume louder.Tune - Frequency for middle A (La) note. By default 440Hz.Respo - How quickly the Vindor responds to note changes. Higher responsiveness may result in incidental transitional notes being played when fingers are moved. Slower response removes unwanted transitional notes.- Fast, Med, Slow, XSlow
Pbend - Sensitivity to pitch bending motion.Norm - A large amount of movement is required to move the pitch.Med - The pitch moves more quickly with less motion.High - Pitch moves quickly.
Sys - System and display settingsInfo - Display information for troubleshooting and support.Reset - Erase the settings and restore the factory settings.Flash - Initiate firmware update. You will need the Vindor app to complete the update.Notes - Display note namesCDEFG - Standard lettering system
Do/Re - Solfege
AHCDE - German lettering system
USB - How Vindor presents itself as a USB deviceAudio - Enable Audio deviceOn - By default, Vindor presents itself as a MIDI and Audio device. That means that you can use it to listen to the output of your computer or phone. Note that some devices will send all sound output to the Vindor automatically. If you don’t want this behavior, turn this feature off.
Off - With this option, the Vindor presents itself only as a MIDI device. This may be helpful when connecting to devices that may get confused about where to send sound output.
Synth - Turn the internal synthesizer on or offOn - The Vindor’s synth will generate sounds and route them to the speaker, headphones or line out. If the Vindor is connected to a computer and USB Audio is enabled (see above), then the computer’s sound will get mixed in with the Vindor’s synth. This is helpful when playing along to music while using headphones.
Off - The Vindor does not generate its own sound. This is helpful when using an external synth to generate sound.
TmOut - Number of minutes of inactivity before the Vindor goes into power-saving mode. If this happens, to continue using the Vindor, turn it off and on again.